Wednesday 22 February 2012

Classification of Foods

If you know me, you'll know that language fascinates me; and the way it is used to make sense of the world around us, doubly so.

I love that some languages have one word for colours that are quite distinct in other languages; I love that some language allow words to be grouped together according to function, according to phonetics, or just grouped together quite randomly.

So today over coffee at work, when people started passionately putting forth their scientific, historical, practical and other reasons that different foods should or should not be classified in certain ways, I started to wonder whether there were regional, cultural or some other reasons for these conflicting viewpoints.

I started by asking the question on twitter, and was inundated with tweets and retweets (thank you so much!), but this made it difficult to track. So I have built a very quick surveymonkey survey, and I am imploring you all to complete the survey and pass it on to your social networks so that we can have as broad a sample as possible.

All the questions are optional, and (of course) there are no wrong answers.

I will post the results here in a week - hopefully I'll have enough crunchy data to make some pretty graphs to go with it!

PS: I have tried to tweet the URL but twitter is convinced the link is spammy. Google safe browsing says it's fine, so hopefully it will work itself out soon. Cheers.

PPS: I will try to add the twitter responses - some will be difficult as they do not indicate location/culture... but that's an online survey for you, right?